Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Queue tab?

The queue tab bookmark allows you to quickly flag a recipie using the flag control in most recipe headers. I use this feature to loosely plan upcoming meals. These are usually the recipes I plan on cooking and shopping for this week. Once I've cooked the recipe I usually unflag it.

How do I import a recipe from a web site?

Many websites support direct import into tibls. This is achieved through their support for Google's structured data initiative. If you do a Google search for a recipe and notice a search result that recieves special treatment (renders in a rich tile format), there is a very good chance that this recipe contains Google structured data and will directly import into tibls.

For websites that support this initiative

You can use also copy the web site address and then navigate to the Add tab of tibls and then paste the web site address into the Add by URL or Search control.

Can I share a recipe with a friend?

Yes. You can share a single recipe from the Home or Queue tab. Just tap on the drop down menu (...) from the recipe title and tap the share button (ios_share). From there you can share via email, text, or save to Files. The recipe is shared as a file using the JSON file format. When your friend receives the recipe, they can directly import it into tibls by sharing the received file and selecting the tibls icon as the destination.

You can also share all your recipes, or a subset of them by taping the filter control tune in the toolbar and then selecting the export menu item. This will create a JSON file containing all of the recipes in the current view. You can restrict this to a subset of your recipes through search, using the Queue tab, or selecting one of the recipe filters (from the filter control.)

How do simple timers work?

Tibls does its best to detect recipe steps that benefit from a timer. If it can detect the need for a timer, it will be added when the recipe is imported or the recipe step is edited to include a timer. For instance, if your recipe includes a step like: Add the tofu and let it get crispy without touching it for 3-4 minutes... -- Tibls will see this and add a 4 minute timer for the step.

Start the timer by tapping the green play control. The timer will start counting down towards zero. When the timer hits zero, tibls will play a sound for ~10s or until the timer is paused.

Once the timer reaches zero, the play/pause controls will turn red to indicate that the timer is now in overtime mode. In this mode it will start counting up which should be interpreted as the amount of overtime against the timer. E.g., a 5 minute timer that is in the overtime state and displaying 00:30 on the timer means that the total elapsed time is 5:30

How do flip/rotate timers work?

Sometimes a recipe might include the need for a double timer. For instance, if our tofu step read as: Add the tofu and let it get crispy without touching it for 2-3 minutes, then flip and repeat -- This is a call for two timers. In the first part you are cooking the tofu for 2-3 minutes. Then you flip the tofu and start another 2-3 minutes of cooking.

Tibls has support for This type of timer, but does not have the ability to automatically detect this. To add this sort of timer:

  • Navigate to the recipe editor from the pencil icon in the upper left of the recipe reader, or select edit from the drop down menu of a recipe tile from the Home or Queue tab
  • Scroll down the recipe steps
  • Swipe the desired step to the left to reveal the Edit Timer action and then supply a setting for the Main Timer and the Flip/Rotate Timer
  • Use Done to exit the timer editor and then Done again from the main editor page to save your changes
  • This type of timer has a sightly different UI.

    The diagram below shows the three states of this class of timer.

    What does the calendar icon mean?

    The calendar icon in the lower left of the recipe tile captures the date that the recipe was last cooked. The adjacent frying pan counts the number of times the recipe has been cooked. Note:You can sort your recipes by Last Cooked to ensure that your most cooked recipes are always at the top of the Home view.

    What does the notes icon mean?

    The notes wysiwyg icon is available in all recipe views. Using this allows you to capture quick notes for a recipe while browsing or cooking. I use this to make little notes to myself, like calling out which pan I like to use for a paticular recipe, or a change I want to try next time I make the recipe. Think of it as a free form list of things you want to remember for this particular recipe.

    This icon is color coded:

    What is the Shopping tab?

    The shopping shopping_cart tab allows you to view, edit, and organize your current shopping list. The list containts the organized ingredients from the recipies that you've added to the list using the per-recipe drop down menu (...).

    Ingredients are organized into items that you probably need to buy at the market, and staples that you probably already have on hand (common spices, oils, etc.) Staples are hidden by default but can be exposed/hidden with a tap in the staples section, or from the main menu menu. Item amounts are also hidden by default but can be enabled by tapping in the item header or from the main menu.

    While shopping, you can tap items as you put them in your cart. If you prefer to have checked items out of sight, you can Show/Hide these from the main menu.

    To delete items from your list you can do this one at a time with a partial or full left swipe, you can delete all checked items from the main menu. To delete all items for a given recipe, swipe left on one of the contributing recipes.

    You can organize your shopping list by using drag/drop on individual items. You can also organize the items and staples by recipe using the main menu.

    Can I multiple recipes to my shopping list?

    Yes. If you use the Queue tab to arganize your meals, you can navigate to that tab and then select shopping list from the main menu. This is almost identical to adding recipies one at a time. The only difference is that if you already have at least 10 items in your list it will ask you to select that you want to add to your existing list, or clear the list first.